Sea Cleanup mod. BANNER MANGIA-PETROLIO prevenzione
The Oil-Eating Banners are the first products in the world designed and produced for daily prevention from invisible micro-spillages in the aquatic environment These banners are in fact the first oleo-absorbers in the world capable of performing the dual function of capturing-absorbing and biodegrading (without any added additive) petrochemical hydrocarbons and other pollutants such as nitrogen compounds, carrying out their action continuously over time. They are specific for the sustainable management of ports, marinas with annexed bathing areas, coastal areas, fisheries and aquaculture and mussel growing establishments, shipyards and storage premises, waste water processing and treatment sites of water contaminated by oils and petroleum of residual condensate from compressed air, etc.
raw felt geotextiles made of 100% pure Italian wool, specifically from Sardinia, with authenticity and traceability certificate, cruelty free shearing for the animal’s welfare, from breeding farms with extensive CO2 reduction systems, to preserve carbon free biodiversity and healthy landscapes.
ICEA Environmental Ethics Certification.
They can be placed to the fixed docks of ports and shipyards or to the launch lane of the floating ropes of bathing establishments. They are secured with ropes to the quay thus ensuring a constant contact with the water surface.
- High absorption capacity and arrest speed of pollutants (oil derivatives)
- Made of 100% traceable and renewable resources
- Its colour is a 100% natural white cream (the same as sheep wool), unlike common oil-absorbers which are coated and artificially coloured or bleached with a high environmental impact.
- The first in the world to carry out a constant natural biodegradation action (without additives).
- It absorbs, biodegrades and prevents damage caused by daily micro-spills of petrochemical hydrocarbons to guarantee clean water benefiting health and the protection of natural habitats.
- It limits aquatic iridescence (oils on the surface) which in addition to cleaning ensures an improved use and perception of the location.
- Air quality also improves, as some of these pollutants evaporat.
Ministerial Authorisation n° 0006847 |
OIL-EATING BANNER FOR EVERYDAY USE Geolana sea cleanup systems and products are the best in the world for creating |
Geolana’s technical department is available for assistance to Entities and Companies working in the sector
Warning! GEOLANA sea-save products must not be used for purposes other than those prescribed. They are geotextiles produced exclusively for geotechnical use and are therefore only sold directly to the industry